about the background
If you would like to know who is behind the CultureBase network, apart from the members, please take a look at the homepage > Become a memberWelcome to the information and support page of the CultreBase network!
Do you want to know more about the CultureBase network? Are you interested in the work of the CultureBase? Are you wondering what benefits the network offers you?
Here, you will find answers about the CultureBase network and who is behind it. It also gives you an overview of the opportunities to >participate the network and how to use the >CultureBase tools for yourself or your organization.
Under >Support you will find video tutorials, manuals and detailed information of the CultureBase (OnePager, DSGVO ...).
For members of the network the >FAQ gives you further information on the intricacies of the CultureBase system.
Cultural professionals and institutions can publish information about themselves, their work and their events on the CultureBase community platform. Long time before we started the network idea of providing creative artists with free online tools for self-presentation on the Internet. In return we are receiving the latest news cultural events and information of the members. The Culturebase network has grown to one of the largest nationwide online network for actors and activities in the cultural sector.
The CultureBase network focuses on the exchange of cultural information. The network brings individuals, cultural institutions and regional cultural associations together. They all use the same CultureBase database.
The project is supported by the foundation kulturserver.de gGmbH and the network of funding partners.