FAQ Copyrights

All texts, images, graphics, sound and video files are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be copied, changed or used on other websites without written permission.

The data entered in CultureBase is made available for free use and presentation for distribution in the CultureBase network: Because the presentation and dissemination of the generally published cultural information is also the primary task of the project.

The interface partners with a large reach, in particular, insist that the picture credits (copyright and picture title) be entered in a comprehensible manner for all images. Without the copyright, the data will not be passed on and / or published in many cases due to the explicit request of the respective interface partner.

You can find out which options you generally have to disseminate your event data in the CultureBase network or to obtain data from the CultureBase in our support article on the subject of > Data partnerships (german only).

For legal reasons, all images that you add to events in the cb-stage scheduling software must have a copyright notice. In addition, it is becoming more and more important that accessible information is available. In the field of image media, this applies above all to the image title.

The event software cb-stage has therefore been extended by two features, with the help of which you can update missing copyrights and image titles quickly and if legally required:

1. As soon as you want to insert an image from your picture stock into cb-stage, in which the fields "Title of the image" and / or "Copyright" are not filled in, an editing window opens. You can add the missing data here. The checking mechanism also works with multiple selection of different images.

2. On the other hand, a clearly visible icon in the image overview in cb-stage marks those images that are missing a title and / or copyright notice so that you can easily add them there.

Partners who import their data can also quickly see in stage.culturebase.org whether the copyright notices have been imported. In the further process, an automatic message is generated that supports a revision before the import.

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