about the background
If you would like to know who is behind the CultureBase network, apart from the members, please take a look at the homepage > Become a memberCultureBase - Tools in the Background
Not visible at the first moment, but nevertheless indispensable are the tools that provide the background for allocation, retrievability and managing the data.
Cn-search controls the search queries on the websites connected to the CultureBase. The access is reserved for the administrators of the CultureBase.
Cb-cat, the CultureBase category system, makes it possible to create almost any subsystem for specific customer needs within the CultureBase network. The access is reserved for the administrators of the CultureBase.
CB-Admin is the area for administrators of the CultureBase network. The tool is used for basic administrative tasks for controling and monitoring processes of the network.
CB-Tools enables partners and editors of the CultureBase network to research appointments and to activate them for certain projects.